Have you ever tried to breathe underwater? Try “Baptism” your first safe dive.
• Did you like it??? Now you can tackle the basic course, which is the “Open Water Diver“, where you will start to have fun exploring the sea, up to a depth of 20 meters.
• You are now patented! We start new adventures! With the “Advanced” patent you will learn the first notions of night diving, observing nightlife at night, deeper and knowing how to navigate underwater.
Now your specific interests and your curiosity related to these come into play:
• Have you always been fascinated by the depths of the sea? With the “Deep” specialty you will learn to dive up to 40 meters in total safety. Fun is guaranteed;
• Has the sea at night always aroused particular curiosity? With the specialty “Nocturna” you will learn to immerse yourself in the nocturnal marine environment;
• Do you know that mankind has been sailing for over 8000 years? With the “ArcheoSub” specialty you will learn to recognize elements that have marked the relationship between man and sea. (Try the Archeosub course)
• Did you know that disability in water does not exist? With our H courses, the sea is within everyone’s reach and there are no barriers. (Try the H courses)
Our school / diving offers various other opportunities for those who already hold a diving license, such as nature-guided diving, archeology, shipwrecks and much more, assess their personal experience.
All activities include insurance coverage and will be followed by ISO certified guides and
The costs of the various courses and / or specialties and those related to the rental of
equipment are established according to the type chosen by the student / client.
Would you like to join our big family?
Follow us!
Marco Badolato: +39 3290335432 (Torre S.Antonio)
Francesco Laratta : +39 3663650517 (Lo Squalo)
Moreno Sandri: +39 331 6312551 (Lo Squalo)