• Reggio Calabria: 6th edition of the “Mattinate Fai D’Inverno”

    Reggio Calabria 21/11/2017 On the occasion of the 6th edition of the “Mattinate Fai D’Inverno” for Schools, the San Paolo Museum will remain open. In the new and large exhibition center of the Palace of Culture in the heart of the city will be exhibited its large collection of about 200 ancient oriental icons, the […]

  • Best beaches in Italy

    This is the list of the best beaches in Italy according to our visitors. We hope you will enjoy visiting them. MARASUSA, TROPEA (CALABRIA, Southern Italy) Marasusa is one of the most beautiful beaches in Tropea. It has clear sand and transparent water. The sand of Tropea has very thick grains that resemble small pebbles […]

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