• Mario Draghi: all news about Italian politics.

    News on the Italian Government of 7 Aug 2022

    Salvini: the trial on the landings, Pontida and the event in Rome. Recovery in the "week of passion"
    The hearing in Palermo in September as the political platform for the program. And two days after the goal of a "memorable" party rally

    Meloni: "I'm worried about Moody's". Duel with the Lega on migrants
    The leader of Fratelli d'Italia pushes for the naval blockade and talks about public finances: Moody's opinion on the Italian debt is worrying

    State-mafia, No political pact with the mafia. The negotiations wanted to stop the massacres "
    The reasons for the acquittal of Dell’Utri and the former Ros leaders:" Provenzano's freedom preserved ". Scalfaro and Conso extraneous. The words of Graviano on the alleged relations with Berlusconi are of "dubious value"

    Botta and reply between Caprarica and Borgonovo on La7: "I don't interrupt you out of respect for your shirt", "Better than yours, which is black
    The two journalists clash over the figure of Giorgia Meloni, there are those who dispute the friendships of the FdI leader and those who are not there

    Kiev, 6,500 war crimes committed by Russian troops
    The bodies of 765 civilians, 30 children recovered in the capital

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